09 Feb A Case for Physical Therapy for Pain Management
As we grow older and begin to transition away from strenuous physical activities, our minds, bodies, and overall beings will begin to relax and settle. We will start spending more and more time reflecting and remembering the earlier days of playing sports, running marathons, and enjoying the outdoors with the kids and grandkids; rather than physically engaging in these stimulating activities. With that said, tired and achy bones should be no surprise for those lucky enough to be making this transition after living a long and full life.
Physical Therapy Can Help!
While there is no magic pill to eliminate the pain and discomfort, health studies have shown that the magical experience of physical therapy can provide real pain management and relief.
Patients who participate in physical therapy during the early stages of pain management, when compared to those who seek help from a physical therapist later or never, are less likely to experience the following:
- Need prescribed pain medication, such as opioids; by 89.4%
- Need advanced imaging services; by 27.9%
- Visit the emergency room for extreme pain; by 14.7%
- Being admitted and hospitalized; by 19.3%
Visit the National Institute of Health to learn more.
The goal of therapy is to promote a person’s independent function, reduce pain, and prevent disability. An experienced and trained physical therapist will do more than focus on the pain, they will take a holistic wellness approach and provide client-centered care that builds confidence, strength and knowledge.
Trio Rehab’s talented physical therapists are here to help!
The key to successful physical therapy is early intervention; often 0-7 days after the precipitating event that caused the pain. So, if you or someone you care for is experiencing pain, don’t wait. Give us a call and make an appointment to see one of our talented and highly trained physical therapists.
Jennica Colvin, Owner & Physical Therapist
Trio Rehabilitation & Wellness Solutions
Boerne, Texas