RISE: A Holistic Approach to Enhancing Quality of Life

RISE: A Holistic Approach to Enhancing Quality of Life

RISE: A Holistic Approach to Enhancing Quality of Life for People Living with Parkinson’s Disease and other Movement Disorders

In today’s world, where nearly 6 million people are living with Parkinson’s disease (PD), the demand for comprehensive and effective wellness programs is greater than ever. At Trio Rehabilitation & Wellness Solutions, we understand the importance of offering solutions that go beyond traditional treatment methods. Clients are not just seeking symptom management—they are seeking a better quality of life1.

RISE, our Parkinson’s Wellness Program is designed to meet this demand by offering a holistic, patient-centered approach that addresses the diverse needs of people with PD and other movement disorders. We believe in empowering individuals with the tools, support, and education they need to live well, no matter where they are on their journey.

Why Our Parkinsons Wellness Program Stands Out
  1. Comprehensive, Multidisciplinary Care

Parkinson’s disease is complex, affecting both motor and non-motor functions. Our program brings together a team of specialists, including neurologists, primary care physicians,  physical therapy practitioners, and occupational therapy practitioners. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that every aspect of Parkinson’s is addressed, from the physical symptoms to the emotional and psychological challenges that often accompany the disease.

  1. Personalized, Patient-Centered Approach

Every person with Parkinson’s is unique, with different symptoms, challenges, and goals. Our wellness program is centered around the individual, offering exercises classes, education, community, and hope that are developed in collaboration with the patient. This ensures that each participant receives the care and support that best meets their specific needs, empowering them to take an active role in managing their condition.

  1. Empowering Education and Support

Education is a key component of our program. We will offer resources and training not only for participants but also for their families and caregivers as our program evolves. Understanding Parkinson’s, its symptoms, and the latest treatment options is crucial for effective management. Our program will include workshops, support groups, and online resources that provide participants with the knowledge they need to navigate their journey with confidence.

Additionally, our program fosters a strong sense of community. Connecting with others who share similar experiences can be incredibly therapeutic, reducing feelings of isolation and providing emotional support.

  1. Focus on Lifestyle and Self-Care

Managing Parkinson’s goes beyond medical treatment. Our program emphasizes the importance of lifestyle changes and self-care practices that can significantly enhance quality of life. We offer tailored exercise programs, which will eventually include activities like tai chi, yoga, and boxing, which are proven to improve motor symptoms and overall well-being.

We will also provide nutritional guidance beginning in 2025, helping participants create diet plans that support their health and manage the progression of their symptoms. Research shows that certain dietary choices can impact the progression of Parkinson’s, and our experts work with each individual to develop a plan that works for them.

  1. Cutting-Edge, Evidence-Based Practices with big sprinkles of Anecdotal Support

Our program has roots in the latest research and best practices in Parkinson’s care. Simultaneously, we understand anecdotal advice has its’ place in the program as well! We remain informed about what research reports to work while including what we know inherently makes sense to improve patient outcomes.


Why Choose Our Parkinsons Wellness Program?

By choosing RISE, our Parkinson’s Wellness Program, you are investing in a comprehensive solution that addresses the full spectrum of challenges faced by people with Parkinson’s. Our holistic approach not only helps manage the symptoms of the disease but also challenges the idea that decline due to PD is inevitable. RISE enhances the overall quality of life for participants. We understand that living with Parkinson’s is about more than just treating the disease—it’s about living well despite it.


Andrejack, J. & Mother, S. (2020). What People with Parkinson’s Disease Want. Journal of Parkinson’s Disease 10(s1), S5-S10. https://doi.org/10.3233/JPD-202107